Costa Mesa Juvenile Defense Attorney
Costa Mesa Juvenile Crimes are handled when a minor is involved in felony or misdemeanor offenses. The Costa Mesa Juvenile Crimes department also handles disobedience of curfews or absenteeism. A juvenile crime defense lawyer however, may be able to secure other alternatives to juvenile detention such as home probation, or proving your child’s innocence.
Examples of Juvenile Crimes in Costa Mesa
A few common examples of juvenile crimes are vandalism, assault, battery and several other low penalty offenses.
The following is a fictional example of a minor involved in a juvenile crime:
Tommy, a 15-year-old at a local Costa Mesa high school, is struggling to fit in at school. Many of the “cool kids” use drugs and get into trouble, and Tommy wants to be a part of their group. He tries to join in on a conversation, but is immediately made fun of for being a loser. Tommy doesn’t want to look like a wimp, so he punches the person who called him a loser. The on-campus police officer quickly breaks up the fight and Tommy no faces criminal charges for juvenile criminal charges for assault and battery.
The Penalties of Juvenile Crimes
The penalties for juvenile crimes are usually a sentence to a rehabilitative facility, which offers minors the treatment and education needed to move on and become industrious citizens of society. Other penalties include victim restitution, monetary fines, participation in community service, probation, and others. Minors who have been abused, deserted, or abandoned will also be placed in foster care.
What Crimes Subject Minors to Adult Consequences?
Minors ages 14 and over may be tried as adults for certain crimes. These crimes include murder, rape, lewd and lascivious acts, arson, kidnapping, assault with a deadly weapon or one of the 30 crimes listed in Section 707 B offenses.
There are many exceptions to these outlines, and juvenile proceedings can be a tedious process. Parents of children being prosecuted in the Costa Mesa Juvenile Court has to contend with their child having a criminal record if found guilty. In addition, if the minor turns 18 during their stay in a juvenile facility may be automatically sent to the adult county jail. As such, it’s imperative to get in touch with an attorney.
If your child is facing charges for a Juvenile Crime, the Costa Mesa defense attorneys can help you and your child. With skilled legal defense, you can have evidence against your loved one called into question. Call us today to find out how we can help you and your child move passed this incident and move on with your lives.


Over the years our firm has earned numerous awards and accolades for delivering outstanding legal representation. Some of our awards include: Admission to The National Top Trial Lawyers Association since 2014, AVVO Rating 10.0 Superb Rating, American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys Award "10 Best Attorney Client Satisfaction" in 2018, Nationally Ranked Top 100 Under 40 in California Attorney Award in 2017, Member of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce since 2018, Martindale-Hubbell Accredited Law Firm, Distinguished in Orange County Metro "Top Attorneys" section, and Featured in Orange Coast Magazine in April 2010 as one of "Orange County's Best Criminal Defense Attorneys".